The Energy In Some Common Food
Product | kJ | kCal |
Milk (semi-skimmed per 600ml ( l pint) | 820 | 195 |
Nuts ( per25g /1o z) | 760-800 | 180-190 |
Potato ( per 175g/ 16oz ) | 630 | 150 |
Can of soft drink (non-diet) | 550 | 130 |
Olive oil (per tablespoon) | 525 | 125 |
Chees ( hard- per 25g/ 1oz) | 460 | 110 |
Muesli ( no added sugar 2 5g /1o z) | 460 | 110 |
Comflakes (per 25g /1o z) | MO | 105 |
Avocado (per half) | 420 | 100 |
Fruit juice( per 250ml / 8 fl oz) | 420 | t00 |
Rice (per 25g /1 oz dry weight) | 420 | 100 |
Pasta (per 25 g/ 1oz dry weight) | 420 | 100 |
Bran flakes (per 25g /1oz) | 380 | 90 |
Banana | 380 | 90 |
Bacon (per grilled back rasher) | 360 | 85 |
Wine (per 125 ml/4 fl oz glass) | 354 | 85 |
Eggs (each) | 340 | 80 |
Bread (per slice) | 340 | 80 |
Lamb chop ( per 25g /1oz, fat removed) | 260 | 62 |
Apple | 250 | 60 |
Beef ( per 25g /1oz steak or roast) | 210 | 50 |
Orange | 210 | 50 |
Chicken ( per 25g / 1 oz, skin removed) | 135 | 32 |
Rice cakes (each) | 125 | 30 |
Shellfish ( per 25g /1oz without shells) | 105-125 | 25-30 |
Fish ( fresh per 25g / 1 oz) | 85-125 | 20-30 |
Tofu ( per 25g /1 oz) | 105 | 25 |
Cottage cheese ( low-fat per 25g / 1oz) | 90 | 22 |
Beans ( per 25g/ 1 oz raw) | 85 | 20 |
Sugar (per teaspoon) | 70 | 17 |
Yogurt (low-fat, per table spoon) | 42 | 10 |
Watermelon ( per 25g /1oz) | 38 | 9 |
Vegetables ( green per 25g /1oz) | 17-34 | 8 |
Berries (pe 25 g/ 1oz) | 30 | 7 |
Coffee (no milk) | 0 | 0 |
Tea (no milk) | 0 | 0 |
Cellulite is a disaster or can we fight it? Cellulite Treatment

Cellulite has been called any given number of names, including cottage cheese, orange-peel skin, saddlebags, pruned legs, and even dimples. No matter the name,cellulite is unattractive and in some cases, unhealthy. Most women have some on their body somewhere and are unhappy about it, and would love to rid of it.
Cellulite is another one of those unpleasant facts of life we need to just learn to live with and accept. There have been surgical procedures developed to rid areas of your body riddled withcellulite but it is now thought that when you remove cellulite from one part of your body, it is likely to turn up on another part.
Let's delve into the facts behind cellulite. Cellulite occurs when body fat gets sandwiched into many tiny pockets separated by strong, hair thin threads called septa, which anchors skin to muscle. Mostwomen store fat in the hips, thighs and buttocks where this "tufting" becomes so pronounced that it dimples.
Men have it made when it comes to cellulite. Their septa attach in a crisscross formation instead of the vertical strands that are found in a woman's skin. Also, the thought that only heavy or obesewomen suffer from cellulite is not true. Women of any weight can have cellulite. There are even super-models that complain they have it.
While we are all aware cellulite is unattractive, it can also have adverse health effects. Accumulation of fluid can occur in the layers of the skin, it can cause impeded blood flow, toxin build-up, nutrient depletion and deterioration of the connective tissue as it loses elasticity and undergoes fibrosis, the development of an organ of excess fibrous connective tissue.
There are a couple ways we can help combat cellulite and its negative effects, but if you're genetically prone to it in a certain area, it is unlikely you will ever be totally rid of it. What you can do is reduce your overall fat intake to lessen thebuild-up of cellulite. Exercise can help build muscle tone, which in turn can make the contours of your body, including the cellulite, look better. Keep at it -- if nothing else, you can prevent it from becoming more pronounced and more importantly, from becoming a health risk.
Here is a recommended exercise to fight cellulite on the upper thigh area:
* Lie on your stomach with hipbones on the floor, legs extended. Rest chin on hands.
* Slowly lift left leg, foot flexed, about six to twelve inches, keeping hips glued to the floor.
* Move leg to the left 12 inches, hold for two counts and bring it back to center.
* Then shift leg 12 inches to the right (or as far as you can without lifting your hips), hold for two counts and return to center. Lower leg to ground and repeat. Do three sets of 15 reps on your left leg, than switch sides.
GOOD LUCK ladies :)
Six Weeks To Beat Your Cellulite!

It is also the minimum amount of time that people usually need to stop thinking of lifestyle changes something new and strange, and make them a habit that becomes natural part of their lives.
But what can you realistically achieve in six weeks? lf you follow the programmes as directed, most people will:
- Lose at least 2.8kg ( 6 lb) of excess weight (this will be less if you don’t have excess weight to lose).
Exactly how much difference this will make to your cellulite depends on how your cellulite scores on the severity scale. Obviously, someone suffering from severe cellulite is unlikely to have their cellulite disappear completely in six weeks, although you will notice a dramatic difference.
If at the end of six weeks you want to carry on with the solution, then do. If you have lost a lot od weight, however, check your BMI again. If you are at a healthy weight, it is not advisable to follow the portion sizes suggested on this blog.
Like any change in health habits, following some of the cellulite solutions may throw up some side effects, such as headaches as you cut down on caffeine. But do not panic! In my solutions where side effects or motivation may be an issue, there is plenty of advice on how to deal with any problems that may ensue.
There is no point spending time here talking about hte cellulite if you go back to all the habits that triggered it in the first place. The idea of this blog is to discuss how to adapt your everyday life so that you are able to keep your cellulite under control!
BMI calculator (Body Mass Index)
You can calculate your body mass index (BMI) by using the following formula:
Weight (in kilograms)
Height (in meters) squared
Body Mass Index (BMI)Measures the relationship between weight and height and is one of the most accurate ways to determine if extra pounds pose health risks. In June of 1998, the federal government announced guidelines which established a definition of a healthy weight.
A BMI score of 20-24 is associated with the lowest health risk, while a BMI of 25-29.9 is considered overweight. Individuals who have a BMI in the range of 25-34.9 and who have a waist size of over 35 inches for women or 40 inches for men are considered to be at an especially increased risk for health problems. Exceptions to a high BMI score include athletes whose BMI is high due to increased muscle mass, and pregnant or lactating women.
According to health experts, people who are overweight but who have no other risk factors (such as heart disease, hypertension, or diabetes) should eat healthfully and exercise to prevent further weight gain. It is recommended that individuals who are overweight and who have health risks actively try to lose weight.
A weight loss of just five to ten percent can reduce an individual's risk for other health problems. It is suggested that individuals consult a doctor or other health professional before beginning any exercise or weight loss program
Risk Level of Health Disease Based on BMI and Weight | |||
BMI | Weight | Waist size smaller than 40″ [male] or 35″ [female] | Waist size larger than 40″ [male] or 35″ [female] |
18.5 or Lower | Underweight | – | – |
18.5 – 24.9 | Normal | – | – |
25.0 – 29.9 | Overweight | Increased | High |
30.0 – 34.9 | Obese | High | Very High |
35.0 – 39.9 | Obese | Very High | Very High |
40 or Higher | Extremely Obese | Extremely High | Extremely High |
By taking the resulting BMI value from above and matching it to the chart below, you can determine your overall risk to certain health related diseases.
BMI Evaluation Chart is colour coded based on an increase or decrease in risk level. We have also added a waist size column for visual monitoring as well.
Body Fat
About Me
- Kim'J
- I graduated from the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) of Tempe, Arizona in February of 2003, and have been practicing massage ever since. I am a member of the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals here in Amsterdam, Holland and as a lifelong learner, I am currently pursuing continuing education in health related topics. Right now I ma improving myself on the cellulite removal techniques. This is the reason I have oppened my Cellulite treatment blog. Hope you will like! Looking forward to your feedback! Kim J.