Frequantly Asked Questions about cellulite
It could be. lt's certainly true of facial ageingthat what happens to your mother will happen to you- and facial ageing is primarily controlled by the strength of collagen and elastin. If they are weak in thefact they could also be weak else where on the body.
Finally, there can also be a genetic link to weight gain, which may make it easier for some people to gain weight; and the more fat you have, the more likely it is that you will have cellulite.
Cellulite is not an illness, nor has it been linked to any medical conditions. Other than perhaps making you feel unhappy, cellulite itself will not have any ill effects on your health. However it may be a sign that your lifestyle is not as healthy as it could be- andthis may affect your general health.
Cellulite develops in stages so what you seeis determined by which stage you are at. How easy your cellulite will be to fight is also determined by how far it is developed. It is therefore good to know how severe yours is, so you can be more realistic aboutwhat you're going to achieve over the nextweeks.
While severe cellulite will reducein six weeks,it will take longer to get rid ofit completely. Minor cellulite may disappearcompletely in even less than the six weeksrecommended. These are the stages:
minor -- You can only see the cellulite if you pinch it with your fingers.
mild - You can only see the cellulite if you are sitting down.
moderate- Cellulite shows through the skin when you are standing up, but is mainly concentrated on the backs of the hips, bottom and thighs.
severe- this appears when you are standing, in areas other than the back of your hips, bottom and thighs- and is taut or painful when you squash it.
No, but these are the most common places forit to appear because of the stagnation of the circulation and lymph systems. Also, women are genetically programmed to store most fat on their hips and thighs (in fact, you have sixtimes more fat-receiving cells in these areas than in your upper body) and the more fat there is in an area, the more likely it is that cellulite will appear. However, other common places for cellulite are the lower abdomen, on your arms and even at the nape of your neck. Again, these areas where women are programmed to store fat.
Non-organic foods can contain daces of Desticides and fertilizers that are toxic. The body pushes these into the fat stores where they do less damage, than flood sthe stores with water to dilute these toxins, exacerbating the cellulite problem. If you don't go organic, at least peel or scrub all fruit and vegetables before eating them.
Free radicals are compounds that are creating our bodies when we are exposed to toxins from smoking, alcohol , air pollution, pesticides and even some relatively harmless food ingredients such as fats and sugars.
The problem with free radicals, is that they are missing an electron and to make themselves complete they have to steal an electron from a cell somewhere in the body. As they do this, they start to attack and degrade those cells. While free-radical damage can happen to any cell in the body, the compounds seem to have aparticular affinity for collagen and elastin cells that make up the top layers of the skin and this can have a number of effects on cellulite.
When collagen and elastin degrade, the skin thins. This reduces the covering over the subcutis, making any over filled fat 'boxes' a lot more noticeable. Also, as the septa are actually made up of collagen, free radicals will attack them directly. This makes the septa together and less elastic, causinq them to shorten and pull down on theskin's surface. To make matters worse, when the body tries to repair the damage, the second potential, trigger for cellulite comes into play.

Body Fat
About Me
- Kim'J
- I graduated from the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) of Tempe, Arizona in February of 2003, and have been practicing massage ever since. I am a member of the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals here in Amsterdam, Holland and as a lifelong learner, I am currently pursuing continuing education in health related topics. Right now I ma improving myself on the cellulite removal techniques. This is the reason I have oppened my Cellulite treatment blog. Hope you will like! Looking forward to your feedback! Kim J.
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