The Skin problem. How cellulite affect the skin?

These septa are attached to the under side of the skin and the outer part of the muscle underneath and they keep the fat in place.
The Rockefeller research team found that in men, these fibres run diagonally against the skin, pressing down on the fat and keeping it smooth, However, in women, the fibres run straight up and down, creating tall, thin rectangular boxes with nothing pushing them downwards.
This means that if the fat cells within these 'boxes' get bigger or more numerous (both of which stop the excess volume bulging out over the top of the 'box', creating a domed look.
What this didn't explain was why it affected thin women too after all they don't have excess fat to bulge out. Further research then found two more differences in the cellulite areas. The first is that in cellulite, the septa actually differ in structure from those in normal fat. Instead of being thin strips of collagen, they are thicker and press sideways on the fat, squashing it upwards and increasing the bulging and doming effect even where fat stores are limited.
The second difference was found by a research team at the University of Florence in Italy. They discovered that cellulite actually contains higher than average levels of water-attracting cells called proteoglycans. This means that any fluid entering areas of cellulite is more likely to be retained there, and this too could bulge up underneath the skin.
So the next question is why does this happen? What turns normal fat-filled areas in to patchesincreasingly looking as if two factors are involved- free-radical attack and poor circulation. They could work together, they could work alone, butthey do seem to explain the problem.
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- Kim'J
- I graduated from the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) of Tempe, Arizona in February of 2003, and have been practicing massage ever since. I am a member of the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals here in Amsterdam, Holland and as a lifelong learner, I am currently pursuing continuing education in health related topics. Right now I ma improving myself on the cellulite removal techniques. This is the reason I have oppened my Cellulite treatment blog. Hope you will like! Looking forward to your feedback! Kim J.
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