What are the causes of cellulite? Cellulite triggers

So far we have discussed what is happening under the skin when cellulite forms, but it is also important to understand what triggers this process. This section looks at some of the potential causes of cellulite and examines why they may make it form. While scientists have made progress, determining what cellulite is, they haven’t yet discovered exactly why it appears. The following are the most likely suspects.
While cellulite can start to appear at any time after puberty, it becomes more common after the age of 30. There are several reasons for this. To start with, from the age of 30, the average woman gains 4.5-6.8kg (10-15 lb) of fat per decade and the more fat you have on your body, the higher your risk of cellulite becomes.
Ageing also triggers the thinning of the top layer of the skin that covers the subcutis layer, makìng the bumpy fat more visible from the surface. Finally, over the years collagen fibres start to harden. This means the septa, which tether the skin to the underlying muscle, start to shorten and the skin is pulled downwards- the cause of the dimpling you see on the surface.
Today, we walk an average of 13 km (8 miles) per day less than our grandparents did - and every element of the formation of cellulite is affected by that inactivity. For example, the less you move, the fewer calories you will burn off and the more likely it is that you will gain weight. Inactivity also slows the circulation when we exercise we strengthen the heart and without that strengthening, circulation is likely to be slowed.
The problem is even worse for the lymph. It has no pump to send it round the system. Instead it relies solely on the contraction of the muscles and if you don't move regularly, the lymph flow will slow down.
ln the UK, over 30 per cent of women are over weight, while 20 per cent are classed as obese. In the US 3,5 per cent of the population is deemed overweight while a further 2,5 per cent are obese. This picture is echoed over much of the western world. While it's true that cellulite does affect slim women, cellulite is fat and overweight people are more prone to it.
While nobody has yet done conclusive research, it seems likely that smoking is a major contributing actor to cellulite. Smoking causes mass formation of free radicals, with millions entering the body with every puff. Also, researchers in Japan have found that smoking triggers the production of enzymes in the body called MMP( matrix metalloproteins).
These chop up collagen fibres, causing skin to thin - and when this happens cellulite becomes more noticeable. And should your body try to repair that collagen, it’s going t o find it harder to do so, as smoking reduces the body's levels of vitamin C, the nutrient that is essential for the formation of collagen.
There are a few other very common habits that may also contribute to cellulite, namely drinking too much alcohol, relying on caffeine and eating too many fatty or sugary foods. While it may not be correct to say that these things cause cellulite by clogging up the fat cells with their debris, it doesn't mean they're not involved in its formation.
For starters, all of the above create free radicals and triggers tress on the lymph system. They also destroy some of the vital nutrients we need to actually burn fat off. For example, each cup of coffee knocks 6mg of calcium from your stores- and calcium helps convert cells from fat-storers to fat-burners.
One of the nastiest factors in the fight against cellulite is that tanning- one of the few things that disguises the dimples- could actually be contributing to your problem. In high summer it takes as little as four minutes of sun exposure for damage to start occurring to the collagen and elastin fibres under the skin.
And just like the effects of ageing or smoking, this damage thins the skin over the subcutis and makes cellulite much more noticeable. As well as this, exposure to too much sunlight dehydrates the skin and cellulite is also more noticeable on very dehydrated skin, as this causes it to become thinner and less flexible.
A recent paper in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association estimated that at any one time, up to 27 per cent of us are suffering from dehydration. Dehydration causes us to think more slowly, makes us more prone to headaches and moods wings, and causes our bodies to retain as much water as possible. One of the most common causes of fluid retention- and the cellulite that this can trigger- is dehydration.
You need to drink plenty of liquid for your body to release the water it is storing. The good news is this doesn't have to be just water - weak tea, orange juice, tonic water, milk and decaffeinated diet drinks all supply fluid. Aim for the equivalent of eight glasses of fluid a day.
These occur when the body loses the ability to digest certain types of food properly. This means the food hangs around the system longer than it should do and ferments, filling the body with toxic substances. The body reacts by trying to dilute the toxins with water, which can collect in the cellulite.
The most common dietary intolerances are for wheat or dairy products. The symptoms are headaches, bloating, cramping or lethargy after eating the problem food - the symptoms vanish if you don't eat them for a few days.
You may also gain more than 1.4-2.2 kg (3-alb) of weight in a day if you eat a lot of the problem food - caused by water retention as t he body tries to dilute the toxins. If you think you are intolerant to dairy products, switch to calcium-fortified soya milk or orange juice instead of milk on your cereal to boost your calcium intake, and cut out cheese and yogurt.
It has often been suggested that exposure to the female hormone oestrogen can be a trigger for cellulite. There's a whole host of reasons for this: cellulite isn't normally triggered until puberty when oestrogen kicks in; it may get worse during pregnancy and the menopause when oestrogen levels go slightly haywire; and oestrogen has a tendency to encourage fluid retention and fat storage.
However, there's another school of thought that says it's not the presence of oestrogen that contributes to cellulite, but the absence of testosterone. Testosterone leads to firmer, stronger connective fibres under the skin, which reduces the risk of the fat 'poking through' the top layer of skin. Obviously it's not desirable to increase levels of testosterone in the female body, but you can reduce the amount of oestrogen by keeping your weight down, as fat tissue actually creates its own low levels of oestrogen.
Studies have shown that it is possible that stress may contribute to cellulite. When you are stressed the muscles in your body tense, particularly in the back and neck. This blocks the flow of lymph. In addition to this, stress is also a major cause of weight gain.
Not only does it make you comfort-eat, but stress also increases levels of a hormone called corttsol and this is a major appetite stimulator. Cortisol also makes the abdominal cells more prone to collecting fat. lf you carry a proportionately large amount of excess weight around your middle or have cellulite on your stomach, stress is likely to be a major factor.
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- Kim'J
- I graduated from the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) of Tempe, Arizona in February of 2003, and have been practicing massage ever since. I am a member of the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals here in Amsterdam, Holland and as a lifelong learner, I am currently pursuing continuing education in health related topics. Right now I ma improving myself on the cellulite removal techniques. This is the reason I have oppened my Cellulite treatment blog. Hope you will like! Looking forward to your feedback! Kim J.
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